Cluster Nugget With American Ale Yeast
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
    Okee doke, I have been brewing with the safale belgian yeast for awhile now and decided to get away from that style. I came up with an amber ale with cluster, nugget and cascade hops. Should be rather tasty.

    Cluster Nugget w/American Ale Yeast

    Clean and prepare equipment.
    -- Measure ingredients, crush grains.
    -- Prepare 19.32 gal water for brewing
    Prepare Ingredients for Mash
    Amount Item Type
    20.00 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain
    5.00 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM) Grain
    5.00 lb Munich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM) Grain
    5.00 lb Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) Grain
    1.00 lb Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain

    Mash Ingredients
    Mash In: Add 10.00 gal of water at 162.8 F
    75 min - Hold mash at 150.0 F for 75 min
    30 min Step: Heat to 168.0 F over 30 min
    10 min - Hold mash at 168.0 F for 10 min
    Sparge with 9.32 gal of 168.0 F water.
    Add water to achieve boil volume of 15.00 gal
    Estimated Pre-boil Gravity is: 1.065 SG with all grains/extracts added

    Boil for 60 min

    60 min 2.00 oz Cluster [7.00 %] (60 min) Hops
    30 min 2.00 oz Nugget [13.00 %] (30 min) Hops
    10 min 2.00 oz Cascade [5.50 %] (10 min) Hops
    10 min 0.75 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 min) Misc

    Cool wort to fermentation temperature
    Add water (as needed) to achieve volume of 15.00 gal
    Siphon wort to primary fermenter and aerate wort.

    2/26/2012 Measure Original Gravity: ________ (Estimate: 1.065 SG)

    2/26/2012 Measure Batch Volume: ________ (Estimate: 15.00 gal)

    14 days Ferment in primary for 4 days at 68.0 F
    3/11/2012 Transfer to Secondary Fermenter

    14 days Ferment in secondary for 7 days at 68.0 F
    3/25/2012 Measure Final Gravity: ________ (Estimate: 1.017 SG)

    Keg beer at 60.0 F at a pressure of 21.6 PSI
    4.0 Weeks Age for 4.0 Weeks at 52.0 F

    4/22/2012 Sample and enjoy!
    cluster nugget.bsm
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041

  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041
  • C_BC_B
    Posts: 89,456
    FantAstic. Love the videos.
    "On it. I hate software." ~Cpt Snarklepants
  • FuzzyFuzzy
    Posts: 49,801
    so much beer...
    The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake
  • djsethalldjsethall
    Posts: 4,041

    24 hours later
  • ThymThym
    Posts: 123,161
    you're a busy dude. that's a serious pipeline you've got going there.
    The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny