Oatmeal Rye Stout
I made this a few months back with the last of many bags of stuff (can you tell?) I wrote the recipe on the back of an envelope, which some how, I just found.
OG 1.070 (maybe a littler higher)
ABV about 7%
OG: you can work it out
IBU: I don't remember, but likely about 22-25
Mash temp: 152
Batch size: ~4gal
2 row US- 7.5lb
Roasted Barley- 7oz
Biscuit- 12oz
Crystal 80- 22.9oz
Choc. Rye malt- 16.6oz
Victory- 16oz
Dextine malt- 8.4oz
Malted Oats- 8.9oz
Hops: I don't know anymore, but not much.
Yeast: WLP028
Fermented in primary until all sings of life ceased. Then racked to 3gal carboy filled to the neck (extra was put in a 1gal carboy and not aged as much). The 3 gal was aged in secondary for about 4 months and bottled. Some how it bottle carbed in a week, I don't know how.