Ewalds Altbier
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    @ceannt @the rest of tkt

    What do you guys think about this recipe? Mash schedule look ok?

    I'm not an expert on this style though so any recommendations you have on recipe to make it over the top good let me know. I need to order up today.

    BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
    Recipe: Ewalds Altbier
    Brewer: The MAN
    Asst Brewer: The MAN's gopher
    Style: Northern German Altbier
    TYPE: All Grain
    Taste: (30.0)

    Recipe Specifications
    Boil Size: 6.93 gal
    Post Boil Volume: 5.72 gal
    Batch Size (fermenter): 5.00 gal
    Bottling Volume: 5.00 gal
    Estimated OG: 1.054 SG
    Estimated Color: 16.4 SRM
    Estimated IBU: 28.9 IBUs
    Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
    Est Mash Efficiency: 82.5 %
    Boil Time: 60 Minutes

    Amt Name Type # %/IBU
    8 lbs 8.0 oz Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 1 87.2 %
    1 lbs Wheat Malt, Ger (2.0 SRM) Grain 2 10.3 %
    4.0 oz Carafa II (412.0 SRM) Grain 3 2.6 %
    1.75 oz Spalter [4.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 4 28.9 IBUs
    1.0 pkg German Ale/Kolsch (White Labs #WLP029) [ Yeast 5 -

    Mash Schedule: Decoction Mash, Double
    Total Grain Weight: 9 lbs 12.0 oz
    Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
    Protein Rest Add 20.50 qt of water at 128.7 F 122.0 F 35 min
    Saccharification Decoct 6.82 qt of mash and boil it 147.0 F 20 min
    Saccharification Decoct 3.40 qt of mash and boil it 156.0 F 20 min
    Mash Out Heat to 168.0 F over 10 min 168.0 F 10 min

    Sparge: Fly sparge with 3.22 gal water at 168.0 F
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    This beer was good the first time I brewed and I didn't do a decoction.
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    Here is the mash schedule for the Marzen. I think I went with the double. Either way which one would you use AND are the temps right for an Alt?
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    jlw said:

    Here is the mash schedule for the Marzen. I think I went with the double. Either way which one would you use AND are the temps right for an Alt?

    Where? .......
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    FAIL. Here it is...

    Single steps:

    Protein Rest Add 21.62 qt of water at 128.7 F 122.0 F 35 min
    Saccharification Decoct 9.21 qt of mash and boil it 154.0 F 45 min
    Mash Out Heat to 168.0 F over 10 min 168.0 F 10 min

    Double steps:

    Protein Rest Add 21.62 qt of water at 128.7 F 122.0 F 35 min
    Saccharification Decoct 7.20 qt of mash and boil it 147.0 F 20 min
    Saccharification Decoct 3.59 qt of mash and boil it 156.0 F 20 min
    Mash Out Heat to 168.0 F over 10 min 168.0 F 10 min

  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828

    I think the single step ..... sacch at 152
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    Recipe update

    My normaql LHBS was closed so I went to the new one. The new one didn't have Spalt hops so I had to go with Saaz. I also was thinking about adding 1 lb of Vienna. Here is the new revised recipe.

    I think it will be balanced enough? Any final thoughts? I can take the Vienna out as I kept it separate.

    Recipe Specifications
    Boil Size: 6.93 gal
    Post Boil Volume: 5.72 gal
    Batch Size (fermenter): 5.00 gal
    Bottling Volume: 5.00 gal
    Estimated OG: 1.059 SG
    Estimated Color: 16.6 SRM
    Estimated IBU: 28.3 IBUs
    Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
    Est Mash Efficiency: 82.5 %
    Boil Time: 60 Minutes

    Amt Name Type # %/IBU
    8 lbs 8.0 oz Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 1 79.1 %
    1 lbs Wheat Malt, Ger (2.0 SRM) Grain 3 9.3 %
    4.0 oz Carafa II (412.0 SRM) Grain 4 2.3 %
    1.0 pkg German Ale/Kolsch (White Labs #WLP029) [ Yeast 6 -
    2.00 oz Saaz [4.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 28.3 IBUs
    1 lbs Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) Grain 2 9.3 %
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    new mash schedule. and for some reason I can;t get rid of the fly sparge. I have batch sparge selected. Stupid beersmith.

    Mash Schedule: Decoction Mash, Single
    Total Grain Weight: 10 lbs 12.0 oz
    Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
    Protein Rest Add 22.50 qt of water at 128.7 F 122.0 F 35 min
    Saccharification Decoct 8.99 qt of mash and boil it 152.0 F 45 min
    Mash Out Heat to 168.0 F over 10 min 168.0 F 10 min

    Sparge: Fly sparge with 2.84 gal water at 168.0 F

  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    too bad about the spalt .... but should be really good ....
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    oh.... very important:
    When you do the protein rest..... heat your decoction to your sacc rest temp... let it rest for 15-min. prior to bringing to a boil... or it will never convert.. and you will loose all the sugars in that grain.
    Also pull that first decoction really thick, lots of grain in it.
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    When you do a double (or triple) decoction, pull the mash out decoction thin... mostly liquid.... this decoction is mostly for temp.... all the "goodness" has been sucked out of the grains already, and all you will do is extract tannins.....
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    (This has the same effect as my trick of boiling the first runnings when I want to take malt flavor up a notch on styles that a decoction mash is not appropriate.)
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    For all decoctions.... calculate the volume for the decoction.... increase it by around 15%.... stir it back into the mash slowly, when you hit the temp of the next rest stop. Let any leftover cool to that temp prior to adding it back into the main mash. This, and the need to convert that first decoction is why I typically just do a thick decoction to mash out.... temp isn't critical, and it takes way less time.
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    Lot's to learn on these decoction's.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    Some brewers also maintain that with modern fully modified malts.... a long protein rest is bad .... and can degrade the malt ... they suggest a short 10 minute protein rest ... and a step mash up to sacc.
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    They strike in to the protein rest at 1.2 quarts per pound ..... the step mash will typically raise this up to around 1.8 quarts per pound..... apparently ideal for German styles
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    I have no experience with this .... but find it interesting
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    It would also have the benefits of the protein rest ..... without the need to convert that first decoction ....
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    ceannt said:

    oh.... very important:
    When you do the protein rest..... heat your decoction to your sacc rest temp... let it rest for 15-min. prior to bringing to a boil... or it will never convert.. and you will loose all the sugars in that grain.
    Also pull that first decoction really thick, lots of grain in it.

    Let me see if I am thinking about this correctly.

    1. I'll heat water for protein rest and hold 122 for 35 min
    2. Does the 15 min hold happen here? Becuase I am already holding the sacc for 45 min.
    3. then I'll decoct 8.99 qt of mash and boil it 152.0 F 45 min
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    I just read your answer on the tkt.
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    Here is a picture of the finished product. I really like alt biers

    3264 x 2448 - 2M
  • C_BC_B
    Posts: 89,149

    Srsly though, that looks pretty good. It turned out well, I take it?
    "On it. I hate software." ~Cpt Snarklepants
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    Turned out great. Malty and dark with just enough hops to balance the beer and keep it from being overly sweet. I wish i was good at tasting notes.
  • FuzzyFuzzy
    Posts: 49,789
    jlw said:

    Here is a picture of the finished product. I really like alt biers

    ditto. looks great, too!
    The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake