Spicy Pickled Eggs
  • scoobscoob
    Posts: 16,617
    So what do you do when you have more eggs than you know what to do with?

    You pickle them of course...

    This recipe makes killer eggs, not the sissy clear vinegar eggs with a few pepper flakes at the bottom like you find in the grocery store.

    These eggs are ugly, the brine is murky, in short... AWESOME!

    WARNING: This recipe may make your house smell like crap

    Here is the list of what you need:

    3 cups white vinegar
    1 white onion, sliced
    4-5 cloves of garlic
    2-3 tablespoons of salt
    5-6 dashes of pepper
    2-3 healthy dashes of tabasco sauce, or better, Spontaneous Combustion (spicier)
    2-3 tablespoons of crushed mustard seed
    2-3 tablespoons of curry powder
    15 jalepeno peppers, sliced
    5 jalepeno peppers, whole
    10-15 habenero peppers, sliced (optional - makes the eggs fairly spicey)
    3-4 tablespoons of crushed red pepper
    5-6 peppercorns
    1-2 gallon jar, to pickle the eggs in
    Pretty much anything else that sounds good (carrots, pearl onions, pig's feet, etc.)

    The first thing you want to do is to hard boil the eggs. Remove the shells from the eggs, and set the eggs aside. In a large pan, bring the vinegar to a slow boil. Place all of the ingredients, except for the eggs (and whatever else you want to pickle, such as carrots) and sliced jalapenos, into the boiling vinegar. Your going to want to cover the boiling vinegar combo, so that the vinegar fumes do not escape too much into the air. Let the vinegar boil for 1/2 to 1 hour, to cook all of the flavor out of the spices. Place the eggs into the jar, and pour the vinegar combo into the jar over the eggs and sliced jalapeños and whatever else you are adding like carrots, pearl onions, cauliflower....Fill the rest of the jar with hot tap water until all of the eggs are covered. Seal the jar tightly. Turn over the jars every other day or so to remix the spices, After 2 weeks or so, enjoy.

    I have recently started making double the brine and have been making jars of the peeled baby carrots, and jars of pearl onions instead of adding them to the egg jars.
    Jesus didn't wear pants
  • Ace_ClubAce_Club
    Posts: 1,947
    azscoob said:

    WARNING: This recipe may make your house smell like crap

    Definitely trying this. Though I'm guessing that if the actual pickling of the eggs doesn't make the house smell like crap, my gas after consuming the eggs will. :D

    Question: Do you refrigerate this while they are pickling?
  • scoobscoob
    Posts: 16,617
    Ace_Club said:

    azscoob said:

    WARNING: This recipe may make your house smell like crap

    Definitely trying this. Though I'm guessing that if the actual pickling of the eggs doesn't make the house smell like crap, my gas after consuming the eggs will. :D

    Question: Do you refrigerate this while they are pickling?

    No, the ph of the vinegar is enough to keep the bugs at bay, after 3 weeks or so I park em in the fridge though.
    Jesus didn't wear pants
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    My mom used to do something like this ... but with lots of cayenne peppers ...... got to give this a try...
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • JayrizzleJayrizzle
    Posts: 90,768
    I think I'll do this a few weeks from now, when the peppers in the garden are ready for use. But I do have five dozen in the fridge, and get 4-7 more eggs everyday...
  • scoobscoob
    Posts: 16,617

    I think I'll do this a few weeks from now, when the peppers in the garden are ready for use. But I do have five dozen in the fridge, and get 4-7 more eggs everyday...

    You have to have amazing gas with all those eggs!
    Jesus didn't wear pants
  • C_BC_B
    Posts: 89,267
    I'll need to try this.
    "On it. I hate software." ~Cpt Snarklepants
  • JayrizzleJayrizzle
    Posts: 90,768
    So I just made something kind of like this... I didn't measure anything but most of the same things. 24 eggs in a 1/2gal jar... didn't have to top up with water... that might be a problem?.....
  • JayrizzleJayrizzle
    Posts: 90,768
    Also planing on tossing in a sliced beet for some more color.
  • scoobscoob
    Posts: 16,617

    So I just made something kind of like this... I didn't measure anything but most of the same things. 24 eggs in a 1/2gal jar... didn't have to top up with water... that might be a problem?.....

    Not at all, I often top up with vinegar as I am always worried with getting a bug in my pickled things. So not needing to water it down in my book is the best option, when I do it is usually a small amount of water anyway.
    Jesus didn't wear pants
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828
    I hereby endorse this recipe .....
    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • viking73viking73
    Posts: 521
    Must try this! I farted after reading the recipe!
  • scoobscoob
    Posts: 16,617
    viking73 said:

    Must try this! I farted after reading the recipe!

    Hell yes you need to make these!!!
    Jesus didn't wear pants