I've had 4 beers in primary since around the middle of march....???
  • flyfisherwesflyfisherwes
    Posts: 1,053
    So I have 2 porters (one really big one), a rye IPA, and a "black" IPA (forgive this naming but I don't know what else to call it) in primary. They've all been there since middle the middle of March to the middle of April because I was waiting on kegs (which I will receive on Wed). Any harm in this? Should it make them better or worse? I figured better for the porters and maybe neutral on the black IPA, and I wasn't sure about the Rye IPA.

    Any recommendations?
  • ThymThym
    Posts: 122,980 Accepted Answer
    The ipas stand a chance of losing some of the hop flavor and aroma.. take a sample. If its not a crisp hop flavor you can dry hop them for a week to kick them back into gear.
    The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
  • flyfisherwesflyfisherwes
    Posts: 1,053
    I'm going to dry hop the crap out of them before I keg. prolly 4-5 oz in the black one and 3-4 in the rye.
  • ThymThym
    Posts: 122,980

    I'm going to dry hop the crap out of them before I keg. prolly 4-5 oz in the black one and 3-4 in the rye.

    That should work
    The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
  • ceanntceannt
    Posts: 53,828 Accepted Answer
    The Porters should be awesome ....

    You might even want to think about adding some "hop tea" to the IPAs ... boil an ounce or so for 15 minutes ... get a little of the flavor back ....

    Never attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
  • The porters are good. The IPA has been kegged and in the kegerator for a month and is still kinda dark brown and a little cloudy. tastes OK.