Dogfish Head - Indian Brown Clone (AG)
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout -
    Recipe: Indian Brown Ale
    Asst Brewer:
    Style: Specialty Beer
    TYPE: All Grain
    Taste: (30.0)

    Recipe Specifications
    Boil Size: 8.05 gal
    Post Boil Volume: 6.24 gal
    Batch Size (fermenter): 5.50 gal  
    Bottling Volume: 5.50 gal
    Estimated OG: 1.071 SG
    Estimated Color: 13.6 SRM
    Estimated IBU: 39.8 IBUs
    Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
    Est Mash Efficiency: 82.1 %
    Boil Time: 90 Minutes

    Amt                   Name                                     Type          #        %/IBU        
    10 lbs 12.0 oz        Pilsner (2 Row) Ger (2.0 SRM)            Grain         1        76.8 %       
    15.2 oz               Corn, Flaked (1.3 SRM)                   Grain         2        6.8 %        
    10.9 oz               Amber Malt (22.0 SRM)                    Grain         3        4.9 %        
    10.9 oz               Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM)    Grain         4        4.9 %        
    6.6 oz                Brown Malt (65.0 SRM)                    Grain         5        2.9 %        
    2.2 oz                Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM)               Grain         6        1.0 %        
    6.1 oz                Brown Sugar, Light (8.0 SRM)             Sugar         7        2.7 %        
    0.72 oz               Warrior [15.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min        Hop           8        33.2 IBUs    
    1.20 oz               Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] - Boil 10.0 Hop           9        6.7 IBUs     
    1.33 oz               Liberty [4.30 %] - Boil 0.0 min          Hop           10       0.0 IBUs     
    0.25 oz               Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] - Dry Hop 5 Hop           12       0.0 IBUs     
    0.25 oz               Liberty [4.30 %] - Dry Hop 5.0 Days      Hop           13       0.0 IBUs     
    1.0 pkg               British Ale (White Labs #WLP005) [35.49  Yeast         11       -            

    Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
    Total Grain Weight: 13 lbs 15.8 oz
    Name              Description                             Step Temperat Step Time    
    Mash In           Add 18.01 qt of water at 163.0 F        152.0 F       60 min       

    Sparge: Batch sparge with 2 steps (1.28gal, 4.15gal) of 168.0 F water
    Carmalize brown sugar prior to run off