I'm planning on finding a freezer and converting to a kegerator. Whats a good number of kegs to have in it? Does the beer ever go bad sitting in the keg? I was thinking 5 or 6 kegs in a system would leave me with enough variety. Its expensive on the front end, but I feel like doing it all at once will be easiest. 4 would probably do though.
I have 4 kegs and its the right amount for me.
i started with 4, but now i have 11.....they are never all in use though. basically, four are always pouring, and usually two are full and in reserve.
the others i use when i am too lazy to clean one or whatever else. i have acutally started pirating pieces of them now because one of my lids went bad, or the pressure release went bad, but it was that solid, welded thing on the bottom, so i couldn't replace it with the parts i bought (or at all i think) so now i just use the other lid.
when you figure that, with some looking, used corny's can be found for 30 or 40 bucks, a new lid costs 35 bucks, its an easy decision. -
Around here, its hard to find used cornys. Low population density and lack of people online. I may have found a couple with the deep freeze I'm interested in though.
I think 4 on tap at a time would be sufficient. But why not have 6?
flyfisherwes said:
I think 4 on tap at a time would be sufficient. But why not have 6?
i have 6. it's more than i need when the pipeline is low, but not enough when i go on a brewing streak. i'd like 4 more that i can have dedicated to long aging stuff so that i'm not tying up kegs that i would normally have on tap.
my kegerator fits 4 kegs, which is a nice variety to have on tap. that only leaves 2 for carbing/aging if my rator is full.The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake -
flyfisherwes said:
I think 4 on tap at a time would be sufficient. But why not have 6?
i fully intended to expand to 6, but when the time came to do it, i just don't need to. i have one keg always full of cider, and then three other beers. that's plenty for the wife and i and this way one doesn't sit around too long. with most of my beers being very hoppy, age is a delicate issue, so i determined i just didn't need six faucets.
i was thinking about adding another tap and keeping a 10% sparkling melomel or cyser always pouring, but that just seems really dangerous.
last time i had a 10% cider on tap, i ended up with lots of hangovers and some friends that were actually mad at me because they got so drunk. ingrates. -
I like the idea of a guest tap. Swap a keg with a friend or get a 5 g from a brewery or good beer store. That is my ultimate plan with a four tap system, but I just started with two. Right now I only have a guest. I have two in the works, but need to plan better to always keep two tapped at on time.
i'm the opposite of fry. most of the beers i tend to brew do well after aging for a while.The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake
i have 5 on tap in my 7.5 cubic foot chest freezerAin't that a Bitch
Lothos said:
freezer cost me 189.00 lowes brand new
i'd love to grab a cheap one off of craiglist, but i have absolutely no room for it.The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake -
10 kegs. 4 on tap, 5 for aging, shenanigans, or being lazy and one for wifey's root beer. I think I'm going to angle to upgrade to 6 taps so I can put the root beer on tap (and score an extra for me)."On it. I hate software." ~Cpt Snarklepants
i have 15 corney kegs just 5 on tap at once 2 15.5 gal fermenters and such lol
getting ready to install my 10" banjo burners 3 of them heh heh hehAin't that a Bitch -
My fridge will hold 6 cornies. I havent had it full in a while, but when i was brewing regularly it always has 4 pouring and two in reserve. I have a total of 10 kegs. If i was brewing frequently still i would have picked up a few more.
Always buy in twos. If you are brewing ten gallon batches an odd keg is useless.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
Someday I'll probably move on from brew in a bag. Then 10 gallon batches will be helpful. My bags wont support enough grain for 10 gallon batches. But I can do 2 batches simultaneously. I like to have a variety of beers available at once. I just wonder if 4 is enough. If I get a big ole freezer then what do I do with the rest of it?
cold storage.The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake
I think I'll just put 6 taps in. may as well do it all at once. I need to look at some buiilds to get ideas.
flyfisherwes said:
I think I'll just put 6 taps in. may as well do it all at once. I need to look at some buiilds to get ideas.
If you are going to do 6 taps you will want more than 6 kegs. Some you may need to bulk store beer.
Taps X 3 = kegsNever attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.
Coming from a guy with neither ...
But I would like to remedy thatNever attribute to malice, that which can adequately be explained by stupidity. -
I have 2 5 gal carboys for storage. They arent good for much else. I don't know that I'll put 6 kegs into service right away. I prolly ought to go with four. That will allow me a Stout a POrter and IPA and some other something for guests and such. Say I would want to take one of the kegs off of the tap and force carb another to take somewhere. would that be ok? How much more would it be just to have 2 more taps though? and how likely is it that the beer will go bad sitting there? how long does that take?
I completely despise bottling.
unfiltered homebrew in a keg will take years to 'go bad'. each style has it's own timeframe of when it's best, generally speaking, the stronger-the longer it will be tasty.
if you're going to move kegs, you need to make sure you're siphoning carefully so you get less sediment that will get stirred up. you'll also want to leave enough time for the carb to settle down once you've moved the keg.The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake -
how much will 2 more taps cost though? wont the kegs be the expensive thing?
flyfisherwes said:
how much will 2 more taps cost though? wont the kegs be the expensive thing?
Depends if you are mounting perlicks or just using picnic faucets...The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
Lakewood said:flyfisherwes said:
how much will 2 more taps cost though? wont the kegs be the expensive thing?
Depends if you are mounting perlicks or just using picnic faucets...
is there a difference in beer quality?
Im going to mount something on the side. I dont need the tall things.
flyfisherwes said:Lakewood said:flyfisherwes said:
how much will 2 more taps cost though? wont the kegs be the expensive thing?
Depends if you are mounting perlicks or just using picnic faucets...
is there a difference in beer quality?
beer quality? no. the picnic faucets are just cheap plastic things you put on the beer line but can't mount to anything. they just sit inside the fridge.... that's all i have. they pour the same beer.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
squeeze faucet (no shank) would be the picnic faucets.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
i would recommend going with the dual body regulator upgrade.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
Lakewood said:
i would recommend going with the dual body regulator upgrade.
so I can carb things like porters and stouts less than an IPA? -
How big of a tank will I need? I mean. I could get a couple more paintball tanks. I play paintball some and I have a 24oz tank.
flyfisherwes said:Lakewood said:
i would recommend going with the dual body regulator upgrade.
so I can carb things like porters and stouts less than an IPA?
That is one very good use for the second regulator.
I use my second as a service gas regulator, i use co2 to move beer from fermenters to kegs and to spray star san and other stuff and when kegging i ramp up the pressure and use that line to pre charge the kegs so they carb a little faster. its basically a regulator i turn up and down regularly, while the serving regulator i try to maintain as constant as possible.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
flyfisherwes said:
How big of a tank will I need? I mean. I could get a couple more paintball tanks. I play paintball some and I have a 24oz tank.
i used to use a 5lb. but i was using a lot of gas for cleaning, purging, transferring and other stuff, so i switched to a 20lb tank. then the 20lb tank ran out on a sunday night and i couldn't find a place to fill the tank until tuesday.... so i bought a backup tank. so now i have a 20lb 'main' tank and a 10 lb 'backup'The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
i would strongly suggest that whatever size you get, you purchase a backup.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
oh, and if you check the filling prices, you'll see it's generally about the same price to fill a 20lb tank as it is to fill a 5lb tank... it's the labor they are charging for, not the gas.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
tank filling places are pretty common around here. I'll probably get a 10 pounder and use my paintball tanks for backup. The local welding shop fills any size co2 for 5 bucks.
Lakewood said:
i would strongly suggest that whatever size you get, you purchase a backup.
The paintball tanks work right? Yes I def need a backup. I'd be pissed if I couldnt drink my beer. -
flyfisherwes said:
tank filling places are pretty common around here. I'll probably get a 10 pounder and use my paintball tanks for backup. The local welding shop fills any size co2 for 5 bucks.
good plan. and yep, on the filling price.... i think my shop charges $3 more for 20lbs than they do for 5lbs...The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
flyfisherwes said:Lakewood said:
i would strongly suggest that whatever size you get, you purchase a backup.
The paintball tanks work right? Yes I def need a backup. I'd be pissed if I couldnt drink my beer.
as long as it has the same CGA fittingThe only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
i haven't had a paintball gun in 10 years...The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
the fittings and tanks are the same as they were 10 years ago.
whats the difference in ball and pin lock?
flyfisherwes said:
whats the difference in ball and pin lock?
besides the obvious? nothing.
Ball lock is just more common. Whichever way you go, just make sure you always stick to the same style... otherwise you will have a mess of different connections and fittings and... well... you can put your ball locks in your pin holes.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
oh, and the pin locks seem to be slightly taller than the ball lockThe only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
I may end up buying that kit. My brother knows some guys that used to brew and keg. Hes asking them if they still have any stuff or want to sell. I've been watching craigslist for a while now and its just not happening. There arent enough people near me. And its not worth the saved money to drive 4 hours each way.
flyfisherwes said:
I may end up buying that kit. My brother knows some guys that used to brew and keg. Hes asking them if they still have any stuff or want to sell. I've been watching craigslist for a while now and its just not happening. There arent enough people near me. And its not worth the saved money to drive 4 hours each way.
i gotta admit... you are gonna be better off with new. all of the fittings, lines, faucets really need to be spotless... and kept that way... unless you don't like beer that tastes good.
the only things that you can kinda count on with used would be the tank and regulators, but regulators are not super robust and even a little misuse and they can be sticky and inconsistent... i got one second hand, it ruined a lot of beer before i figured out what was going on. i had to completely tear it down and rebuild it... i bought a second one brand new... it's worked flawlessly since the day i bought it.
and tanks go out of cert, so buying someones out of cert tank will end up costing you more in the end because you'll have to get it re-certified before anyone will fill it.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
Still might get a splitter or some kegs out of the deal.
flyfisherwes said:
Still might get a splitter or some kegs out of the deal.
nuthin wrong with that. I found the best price for a splitter can be had by buying one designed for compressed air. look on amazon.. of course, then you have to buy a bunch of valves...The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
even if I buy a used system, if I just need the kegs I'll sell the rest on ebay or keep it for backup. And here in WV.... I bet some redneck will fill the tank no questions asked. haha.
Couldn't hurt to give it a look.
Thanks for the heads up though. I guess I will buy a new system. I think I can go with 4 keg system to start. then see if I can find some used kegs somewhere. Or would I be better off just getting the reconditioned kegs with new orings and whatnot too? I figure I'll end up spending about 600 bucks total.... but all that time not bottling will be worth it.
another question though... can I bottle from the faucet then cap and take beer places? I know growler will work... but can I keep it longer with bottles? or say pour like 10 bottles to age? -
flyfisherwes said:
even if I buy a used system, if I just need the kegs I'll sell the rest on ebay or keep it for backup. And here in WV.... I bet some redneck will fill the tank no questions asked. haha.
Couldn't hurt to give it a look.
Thanks for the heads up though. I guess I will buy a new system. I think I can go with 4 keg system to start. then see if I can find some used kegs somewhere. Or would I be better off just getting the reconditioned kegs with new orings and whatnot too? I figure I'll end up spending about 600 bucks total.... but all that time not bottling will be worth it.
another question though... can I bottle from the faucet then cap and take beer places? I know growler will work... but can I keep it longer with bottles? or say pour like 10 bottles to age?
i bottle off my taps all the time. works great. i have a bit of bottleing cane that i stick in the tap so it goes to the bottom of the bottle, open it up and slowly pull the tap out of the bottle. cap immediately.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
i have beers that were bottled that way sitting in the fridge that are more than a year old. they are as carbed up and fresh as the day they were poured.
the Snow Storm Imperial Wit ages to perfection this way...The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
I feel like bottle conditioning with sugar impacts my beer negatively. I taste the beer before I add sugar during bottling... its always clear and tastes better than after bottling and conditioning for 4 weeks.
I usually just sanitize a glass and dip some off the top then stick it in the fridge or drink it warm. mmmmm... the stout I made tasted really really good.
flyfisherwes said:
I usually just sanitize a glass and dip some off the top then stick it in the fridge or drink it warm. mmmmm... the stout I made tasted really really good.
I haven't bottled the stout yet. I tasted it before bulk aging in a carboy. I think I'll leave it in the carboy until I get a kegging system. Then its goin in my belly!!! -
The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
flyfisherwes said:
I usually just sanitize a glass and dip some off the top then stick it in the fridge or drink it warm. mmmmm... the stout I made tasted really really good.
most of my beers have tasted awesome straight out of the fermenter.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
Lakewood said:flyfisherwes said:
I usually just sanitize a glass and dip some off the top then stick it in the fridge or drink it warm. mmmmm... the stout I made tasted really really good.
most of my beers have tasted awesome straight out of the fermenter.
Have you noticed improvement over bottling? -
flyfisherwes said:Lakewood said:flyfisherwes said:
I usually just sanitize a glass and dip some off the top then stick it in the fridge or drink it warm. mmmmm... the stout I made tasted really really good.
most of my beers have tasted awesome straight out of the fermenter.
Have you noticed improvement over bottling?
i found better consistency with my beers.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
Lakewood said:
yeah that sums it up. Some day, some day.... Hopefully before I brew a 1.5 bbl batch... or I could just bottle in 4L wine jugs... -
get a 15 gal keg.
flyfisherwes said:
tank filling places are pretty common around here. I'll probably get a 10 pounder and use my paintball tanks for backup. The local welding shop fills any size co2 for 5 bucks.
this is your best option. i plan on doin the reverse, though. serve/carb with the paintball tank, then fill those off the larger tank. that way if a keg doesn't seal properly, or i develop a leak somewhere, i will have only lost 24 oz of co2, not an entire 5-10# tank.The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake -
Lakewood said:flyfisherwes said:Lakewood said:
i would strongly suggest that whatever size you get, you purchase a backup.
The paintball tanks work right? Yes I def need a backup. I'd be pissed if I couldnt drink my beer.
as long as it has the same CGA fitting
i use a paintball tank now. you'll need an adapter to fit the threads of the paintball tank to the regulator. one of these: http://kegcowboy.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=321The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake -
FromZwolle said:Lakewood said:flyfisherwes said:Lakewood said:
i would strongly suggest that whatever size you get, you purchase a backup.
The paintball tanks work right? Yes I def need a backup. I'd be pissed if I couldnt drink my beer.
as long as it has the same CGA fitting
i use a paintball tank now. you'll need an adapter to fit the threads of the paintball tank to the regulator. one of these: http://kegcowboy.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=321
Ah. Gotcha.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
and if you do get one of those, be sure to attach it to the regulator first, then the tank. it has a pin on the bottom that depresses the valve on the paintball tank to keep it always open. if you didn't have the regulator already attached, you'll end up with Fermi style co2 burns on your hands.The pinnacle of lame and awesome in one singular moment. -Lake
flyfisherwes said:
tank filling places are pretty common around here. I'll probably get a 10 pounder and use my paintball tanks for backup. The local welding shop fills any size co2 for 5 bucks.
DEAL OF THE YEAR."On it. I hate software." ~Cpt Snarklepants -
Lakewood said:
oh, and the pin locks seem to be slightly taller than the ball lock
Uh, the posts are taller I think... But the ball lock kegs are slightly taller and skinnier than the pin lock kegs. Which for me, means I can fit four in the kegerator where only three pin locks would fit.
"On it. I hate software." ~Cpt Snarklepants -
No kegs :(
Only bottles. -
themonstermasher said:
No kegs :(
Only bottles.
brew a couple large batches.... you'll stop bottling pretty quick.The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny -
I have 6 kegs and 4 taps on the fridge. I can fit a fifth keg. Kegs 5&6 normally have Apfelwein or a sour in them aging long term though.Sign here______________________________
I also feel bound to point out that you will always end up with one less keg than you need. My six are full. What happens if I brew tomorrow? Do I dump an old keg? Bottle the remainder of one? No. I just wait, usually.Sign here______________________________
jeepinjeepin said:
I also feel bound to point out that you will always end up with one less keg than you need. My six are full. What happens if I brew tomorrow? Do I dump an old keg? Bottle the remainder of one? No. I just wait, usually.
I use to run into this.
i generally bottled the remainder.
The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
How many kegs do you have in your system?