Hot Side Aeration - Pepper Beer
  • ThymThym
    Posts: 122,980
    This discussion was created from comments split from: Mash Hopping?.
    The only thing between me and a train wreck is blind luck..... - Kenny
  • LothosLothos
    Posts: 2,146
    Hot Side Aeration - Pepper Beer

    Category Specialty Beer
    Subcategory Specialty Beer
    Recipe Type All Grain
    Batch Size 5.00 gal
    Volume Boiled 6.00 gal
    Mash Efficiency 82 %
    Total Grain/Extract 12.50 lbs
    Total Hops 1.8 oz
    Calories (12 fl. oz.) 229.7
    Cost to Brew $40.38 (USD)
    Cost per Bottle (12 fl. oz.) $0.76 (USD)
    9.00 lbs American 2-row
    1.00 lbs Belgian Cara-Pils
    2.50 lbs American Caramel 10°L
    0.5 oz Chinook (Whole, 9.6 %AA) boiled 35 min.
    0.2 oz Chinook (Whole, 9.6 %AA) boiled 20 min.
    0.5 oz Willamette (Whole, 6.9 %AA) boiled 5 min.
    0.5 oz Willamette (Whole, 6.9 %AA) boiled 1 min.
    0.12 lb. Cayenne Peppers (fresh, medium sized) (not included in calculations)
    0.38 lb. Jalapeno Peppers (fresh, medium sized) (not included in calculations)
    0.12 lb. Hungarian Yellow Peppers (fresh, medium) (not included in calculations)
    Yeast : Wyeast 2565 Kolsch Yeast

    Execute all-grain mashing as traditional (165 deg, etc.). Add hops per schedule. Now on to the peppers. Of the 3 peppers I use, the order of heat is Cayenne, Jalapeno, and Hungarian. The Hungarian peppers look like yellow elongated bell peppers and are very mild in heat and flavor. Use approximately 75% of the peppers during the brewing process..using all of the cayenne and hungarian, and about 1/2 of the jalapeno. You can slice or rip apart the peppers. Ripping them apart releases more oils than cutting the peppers (don't rub your eyes!!!). Add the peppers in the last 3 minutes of the boil. Save the boiled peppers and (now that they are sanitized) place them into the primary. When transfering to the secondary ferment, slice/rip up the remaining jalapeno peppers, boil them in about 3 cups of water then add them to the secondary. Enjoy!!
    Predicted Specialty Beer Compliance
    Original Gravity 1.069 1.026 - 1.120 100 %
    Terminal Gravity 1.017 0.995 - 1.035 100 %
    Color 9.80 °SRM 1.00 - 50.00 °SRM 100 %
    Bitterness 18.1 IBU 0.00 - 100.00 IBU 100 %
    Alcohol (%volume) 6.8 % 2.50 - 14.50 % 100 %
    100 % overall

    Apparent Real
    Original Extract 16.75 °Plato 16.75 °Plato
    Attenuation 74.5 % 60.2 %
    Extract 4.27 °Plato 6.66 °Plato

    % Weight % Volume
    Alcohol 5.3 % 6.8 %

    (lbs) Gravity Points Color
    American 2-row

    9.00 (72.0%)
    250.2 (72.7%)
    16.2 (33.1%)
    Belgian Cara-Pils

    1.00 (8.0%)
    26.2 (7.6%)
    7.8 (15.9%)
    American Caramel 10°L

    2.50 (20.0%)
    67.5 (19.6%)
    25.0 (51.0%)
    Variety %Alpha
    Acid Weight
    (oz) Boil
    (minutes) Formula %Utilization
    @ 1.057 IBU Average IBU
    Chinook (Whole) 9.6 0.5 35 BeerTools 18.4 13.2 13.2
    Chinook (Whole) 9.6 0.2 20 BeerTools 10.1 3.6 3.6
    Willamette (Whole) 6.9 0.5 5 BeerTools 2.1 1.1 1.1
    Willamette (Whole) 6.9 0.5 1 BeerTools 0.4 0.2 0.2
    Total IBU 18.1
    Ain't that a Bitch