Bell's Hopslam Clone (AG)
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout -
    Recipe: Bells Hopslam - Clone
    Asst Brewer:
    Style: Imperial IPA
    TYPE: All Grain
    Taste: (35.0)

    Recipe Specifications
    Boil Size: 6.93 gal
    Post Boil Volume: 6.24 gal
    Batch Size (fermenter): 5.50 gal
    Bottling Volume: 5.50 gal
    Estimated OG: 1.084 SG
    Estimated Color: 7.5 SRM
    Estimated IBU: 129.4 IBUs
    Brewhouse Efficiency: 85.00 %
    Est Mash Efficiency: 96.0 %
    Boil Time: 60 Minutes

    Amt Name Type # %/IBU
    7 lbs Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 1 52.8 %
    1 lbs 12.0 oz Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 2 13.2 %
    1 lbs Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) Grain 3 7.5 %
    8.0 oz Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) Grain 4 3.8 %
    1 lbs. Honey at flameout
    2.00 oz Simcoe [13.00 %] - Boil 75.0 min Hop 6 69.8 IBUs
    1.00 oz Glacier [5.60 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 7 14.4 IBUs
    2.00 oz Simcoe [13.00 %] - Dry Hop 7.0 Days Hop 14 0.0 IBUs
    2.00 oz Centennial [10.00 %] - Boil 20.0 min Hop 8 31.1 IBUs
    1.00 oz Glacier [5.60 %] - Boil 15.0 min Hop 9 7.1 IBUs
    1.00 oz Vanguard [5.50 %] - Boil 10.0 min Hop 10 5.1 IBUs
    1.00 oz Crystal [3.50 %] - Boil 2.0 min Hop 11 0.8 IBUs
    1.00 oz Hallertauer [4.80 %] - Boil 2.0 min Hop 12 1.0 IBUs
    3 lbs Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 5 22.6 %
    2.0 pkg California Ale (White Labs #WLP001) [35. Yeast 13 -

    Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
    Total Grain Weight: 13 lbs 4.0 oz
    Name Description Step Temperat Step Time
    Mash In Add 12.81 qt of water at 163.7 F 152.0 F 60 min

    Sparge: Batch sparge with 2 steps (1.62gal, 3.59gal) of 168.0 F water
  • frydogbrewsfrydogbrews
    Posts: 44,679
    it needs honey! says on the bottle that there is honey in it.
  • jlwjlw
    Posts: 16,454
    Yeah, I'm not sure about the honey. I got this recipe from somewhere. Next time I brew I'll try the honey
  • frydogbrewsfrydogbrews
    Posts: 44,679
    i don't have my recipe in front of me, but mine has around 25% of fermentables coming from honey added at flameout.